On Mon, May 18, 2020, 3:58 PM thraex <thr...@numericable.fr> wrote:

> On 18.05.2020 15:17, Jerome Shidel wrote:
> > First, http://freedoslocal.sourceforge.net is no longer maintained.
> Indeed, that's a resource I miss sorely as a translator :(
> > Occasionally, individuals have sent me translations for packages other
> > than the ones I develop. With no good place to send them at present,
> > I just started to funnel all translations into a new Github project
> > at https://github.com/shidel/fd-nls
> >
> > At present, I’m thinking of it as a new temporary home for all of them.
> ...

I understand both sides, from a translator perspective, having a single
location to check for and submit updates to is both useful (avoids wasting
time & effort to find who & where) and convenient (only 1 instead of many
places to find and submit updates).  From a project perspective, we want to
encourage translations, so the easier this is then the better.  However,
the reality is that a FreeDOS distribution is like a Linux distribution, a
collection of separate programs grouped together and installed as though it
were a singular piece of software.  Originally there were quite a few
developers and each piece was maintained by different people; not
necessarily the case today.  I still like having the translation with the
program and maintained along with it, but I want to encourage
translations.  My concern is having multiple places to submit a translation
for the same program will result in wasted or duplicate effort.  Pulling
translations out and into their own project is going to make building
(compiling) more complex, now you need to download and extract translations
from a separate project sometimes even before building, depending on what
translation mechanism is used.

Personally I would like to split the process.  Have a central repository
for translations* that is easy for developers to add new strings to, easy
for translators to see what has changed/added and to add translations for,
that is not tied to how the programs use the strings (I'm sure there are
common standard formats in use that can be easier for translations and easy
enough to convert to program specific format).  The FreeDOS site should
prominently point to this location, be it on Sourceforge, a GitHub
repository, or a third party translation site hosted by whoever, ...
Everyone would know where to send updates to regardless of which program
and developers can periodically, such as when making a new release,
download latest translations, convert to appropriate format and include the
conversions into their build process.  No risk of lost translations,
duplicate work, or confusion.

So my questions:
What is the best format for translators?
utf8 po/pot file, code page specific catgets format (i.e. current format
for many of the programs), some json, csv, or xml format, ???

Where should these translations be stored including how to update and
The fd-nls GitHub page, a new GitHub page, try and revive the fd-local
Sourceforge site, try and join another open source projects translation
site, ???

Can we agree to use the above site and format for sharing or is this going
to be some do and most don't so eventually stopped being updated as well?
I am willing to convert all the current programs that are part of FDOS
GitHub site that lack upstream maintainers to do this.  That is, submit a
source set of messages and current translations of appropriate format to
shared site and then download and convert back for releases.  Current
translations would be deleted from FDOS repositories with updated
instructions for where to send/get translations and how to build
(downloading and converting needs to be an automatic part of compiling).

Sorry for such a long message.  Please reply.  If there is not much
discussion or consensus, then I will likely just create a new repository
under FDOS with latest translations and update the other repositories to
use it as described.  Format undecided, but with tools to convert to po and
program format.

Maybe freedos-local is what I want and I just didn't contribute to it's
success.  I appreciated it.  I think the key is to remove translations from
program sources and instead combine when building/packaging for release but
avoiding duplicate public locations to get/submit translations to.  For
catgets based programs, the release build need not include translations at
all, a complete set* for a given translation can be its own

*Note that I am mostly concerned about the core (base+) programs, but it
would be nice if it worked out for other included programs as well.

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