Gerry Hickman schreef:
Hi Bernd,

I've printed this out, I think I understand the important points and I'm
happy to run some tests, but can you clarify the exact files I need to
download. I currently have the latest "stable" kernel, command, and sys
files. My kernel says it's 1.1.35 and my sys says it's v3.2 - I want to
make sure I'm running compatible versions if I'm going to be using
unofficial builds, because ultimately I'm building production systems.

just get the 'unofficial'/'development' versions of components.
*SYS 3.6 from  (
*kernel 2034, 2035, 2035A and the CVS kernel
*Format 0.91U (see frontpage)
*COMMAND.COM 0.84pre (

Oh well, MSDOS utilities + FreeDOS SYS3.6 would also do fine instead.

One thing that stands out below, is that you appear to be saying there's
no way to plant the MS-DOS 6.22 boot sector into a FAT32 partition?

no, not possible as MSDOS kernel itself doesn't support fat32.

That's a shame because it rules out using FreeDOS format's /a switch for
4K clusters, but it's not the end of the world having to use FAT16. I
guess the Win95/98 boot sector would fix this at a later date.

yes, I do think so.

The thing about "does it boot into MS-DOS 6.22", that's something I
won't know until I've run the tests.

yes. Case is, is that it's needed to know so I know you start from a stable environment. I have also setup a MSDOS 6.22 environment in VMware now. together with Win98 installation files and Win2000 installation files, as well as several FreeDOS files. I'll see what I can do and let you know the (dualboot-)results from installing Windows.

1. FDISK /DELETE:2 (get rid of WinXP NTFS on second primary)
2. FDISK /PRI:2000

/PRIO makes sure FAT16 is actually used.

3. FDISK /ACTIVATE:2 (make new second primary active)
3. FORMAT C: /a (4k cluster size)
4. SYS a: c: BOOTONLY (put FreeDOS bootsector onto c: drv)
5. Start Windows real-mode setup program

again, check the SYS commandline to see if you need /BOOTONLY or BOOTONLY :)


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