Op 14-8-2009 20:17, Jack schreef:
> Re: using memory over 4-GB in DOS, the best way to AVOID many new
> I am assuming here that, to keep things "simple" and still-useful
> for programs that cannot or will-not be upgraded, the XMS drivers
> will all "behave" same-as-before for current XMS commands.   User
> programs would still request up to 4-GB of memory, from the first
> 4-GB of a "large" system, and would still use normal XMS requests
> via "handles" for their memory as-before.   Only the XMS handlers
> and upgraded "large scale" XMS programs like UIDE/RDISK need know
> about and support the new commands above.    This AVOIDS a lot of
> "compatibility" issues.
I don't know if it's easier or harder to do, but maybe best approach is 
twofold :
1) First 4GB handled traditionally for programs, ramdisks, diskcaches etc.
2) Ramdisk driver that can handle all memory beyond 4GB and leaves 
anything beyond first 4GB completely alone. Note that the ramdisk size 
might be beyond 4GB itself as well then on for example a 12GB system
> But, a much-LARGER "issue" here is "Do we really NEED all this?"!
> There are NOT many systems with over 4-GB, and I expect few would
> ever need over 4-GB of memory for DOS use, if in fact their FIRST
> 4-GB is properly managed!   Re: my own drivers, as I say in their
> README file, a proper "split" of XMS memory between RDISK for all
> "fast" files, UIDE for "ordinary" disk files, and saving some XMS
> for other programs should yield a SCREAMING-fast DOS system!
6, 12 or 24GB RAM machines are becoming more common now with the Intel 
Core i7 platform (uses tripple-channel memory, so 3 or 6 banks filled 
DIMMS, 2 or 4GB per DIMM).
My use would mainly be
1) use up all RAM in my system in a usefull way.
2) use RAM as temporary storage for all harddisk-affecting activities, 
mainly creating drive/disk/partition images, and write them to CD (up to 
700MB) / DVD (4.7 or 8.5GB ) /Blu-ray (up to 50GB at the moment).

The annoying thing for 2) is I do the following:
* Boot optical disk (let's say, 700MB CD-RW)
* Image entire contents of it to Ramdisk (taking up 700MB)
* extract contents to ramdisk (taking up another 700MB, so total size is 
1400MB ramdisk already)
* deleting the imagefile (freeing 700MB)
* make modifications (for example, creating harddisk backup, or updating 
certain files)
* create updated imagefile (using 700MB)
* burn imagefile to same CD-RW I booted from.

Currently RAMDISKS are limited to around 3100MB I think, due to 32bit 
(4GB upper limit) and the PCI address mapping).
That would mean a 1550MB DVD at most. With filesystem limitations, 
maximum for creating an ISO without splitting files would be 2GB anyway 
(maybe 4, don't know)

> It has been noted at many business schools that "80% of sales are
> usually handled by only 20% of a company's inventory" -- the same
> is likely true of today's "Gawd-AWFUL sized" computer files!   If
> the really NEEDED files load into a 2-GB RAMdisk, and either UIDE
> or your-choice among other good caching programs is also run, DOS
> should be "PLENTY Fast!" for most users.
See above. More a 'because it might be possible and would be a nice 
challenge' usage than anything entirely necessary.
If people are up to the challenge, have fun :)
If not, then nevermind.

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