Op 19-7-2011 5:40, Juan Castro schreef:
>     1) Adding /N1 to the UIDE commandline (at the end) to disable the
>     handling and caching of harddisks, might speed things up a bit.
> That had no effect.

Unfortunate. Ah well, was worth a shot.

> Worked! Takes under one second to load. I got it from here:
> http://www.hiren.info/downloads/dos-files - is it legal to pass around?

Most of Hiren's bootCD isn't legal to use/distribute due to it being 
unlicensed full versions of commercial software. For other stuff vendors 
gave no permission to use/distribute their copyrighted software. 
VIDE-CDD.SYS is one of those. Another is for example most ASPI, SCSI and 
USB drivers. It's up to people themselves to download/use them if they 
wish so.

> By the way, it says: "CD-ROM drive #0 found on 170h port master device,
> v1.0"

excellent :)

>     Are you using an ISO in Virtualbox or connecting a physical CD unit (if
>     that's possible at all, that is) ?
> I'm using an ISO, and access is fast after the annoying UIDE.SYS delay.
> It seems that comes from UIDE.SYS probing hard disks for some reason.
> (As the error message suggests.)

VirtualBox's imperfect behaviour means I'll have to fallback to the 
ELTORITO driver at installation time. For an installed FreeDOS there's 
not much I can do except recommending another CD driver.
Booting from CD, then chaining to harddisk, followed by loading 
ELTORITO.SYS driver (and SHSUCDX), seems to work.

> Juan

Magic Quadrant for Content-Aware Data Loss Prevention
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