
On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 3:27 AM, David Griffith <dgri...@cs.csubak.edu> wrote:
> On Wed, 7 Dec 2011, Rugxulo wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 1:30 AM, David Griffith <dgri...@cs.csubak.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Recently I've dusted off Frotz and am actively working on it now.  One of
>>> the things I'd like to do is incorporate the changes I've made to the
>>> core
>>> back to DOS Frotz. I want to make sure the result is usable on the IBM PC
>>> 5150.  I have a copy of Turbo C 2.01, which should be good enough.  Does
>>> anyone here have any other suggestions?
>> Do you actually have an IBM 5150? Or is that just your generic target
>> (aka, 8086)?
> I do have a 5150, but it'll take some time and room to get it into working
> order.

I mean, I've got no problem targeting 8086, I've done my own share
(barely), but indeed 99% of people can't get their hands on a 5150
(including me), at least not easily, and not in good working order.
It's much easier to use modern machines (as crappy as they may be for
legacy stuff, sadly).

> I think if I target the 8086 it should be fine.  By the way, does
> anyone here use FreeDOS on a 5150 with any regularity?

There are some retro enthusiasts who use it, but they are a rare
(genius) breed. And I'm not in frequent contact with any of them (Just
FYI, I can't really forward or discuss anything with them, they don't
need my help, heh. And I'm not sure any of them actively use FreeDOS,
most seem to prefer IBM PC-DOS though M.C. uses DR-DOS, last I heard.
Tsk tsk!)

* Jason Knight (Paku Paku), TP7 + BASM
(EDIT: Oy, new version! Yakta!)

* Mike Brutman (mTCP), OW19
(he's on this mailing list and already replied, no surprise)

* Jim Leonard (Monotone), TP7 + BASM

* Mike Chambers (leetIRC), QB45

>> And keep in mind that I've only very rarely used Frotz, mostly for
>> zedfunge / zbefunge, and I've not really used it for playing games,
>> esp. not gfx ones. The one I ended up preferring was from circa 2000
>> (Jim Dunleavy? 2.40?), a port to DJGPP. So I would personally start
>> there (esp. since older 16-bit version was only 2.32, IIRC).
> Jim Dunleavy actually hasn't been involved in the Frotz project since 2.40
> came out.  It was mostly me since then. There were a lot of changes to the
> Frotz core between 2.32 and 2.40.  I think you were noticing those changes.

I was actually kinda disappointed that the 16-bit compile was only
2.32. At least the DJGPP build seemed fairly robust. Though I forget
if one or both had some issues with GZIP'd .z5 files or such.

>> P.S. IIRC, usosutki (sp?), aka Steve Nickolas, was involved in a port
>> at some point. He was active on this mailing list a few months ago, so
>> perhaps he'll respond with better info.
> I can't seem to find any reference to him doing anything with Frotz.

He must've ported or updated something like jZIP or DZIP, I dunno, I
forget. Well, if he pops his head up (again) one day soon, we can ask
him. Or email him directly if desperate.  ;-)

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