On Wed, 7 Dec 2011, Rugxulo wrote:


On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 8:32 AM, Michael B. Brutman
<mbbrut...@brutman.com> wrote:

I can't comment on Frotz specifically - I don't know what it is.


The Z-machine is a virtual machine that was developed by Joel Berez
and Marc Blank in 1979 and used by Infocom for its text adventure

The "Z" of Z-machine stands for Zork, Infocom's first adventure game.

Frotz was originally written in C by Stefan Jokisch in 1995 for DOS.

By 2002, development stalled and the program was picked up by David Griffith.
(Heheh, he's famous!!) Well that answers that.   ;-)

Yep.  That's me.

However, if you are looking to target a 5150 or something similar Turbo
C++ 3.0 for DOS and Open Watcom 1.9 are my current favorites.

All of my mTCP work has been done with those two.  Turbo C++ doesn't
optimize code as well but it is functional and has a smaller runtime
footprint.  Open Watcom has a more full featured runtime, but it is larger.

But TC++ 3.0 isn't freeware nor easily available, right?? Maybe you
could check eBay, but it's probably wiser to just use (freeware-ish)
TC++ 1.01 or (better) OpenWatcom or similar. (Pacific C? Desmet C?
BCC/Dev86? Digital Mars? LSI C-86?)

Again, it's not that TC 2.01 is so bad, but TC++ 1.01 is slightly
better in a few ways (even ignoring the dopey C++ part, heh). And
OpenWatcom should surpass it even, but that requires 386+ host
(similar to DMC, though that is Win32-host only). But it's not for me
to decide for you what compiler is best: use whatever works!

I have a legit copy of TC++ 3.x-ish I bought in 1993. It appears that DOS Frotz was written with this compiler in mind. The upshot of this effort is to provide something new for those who like to play with old hardware and new hardware with an old bent. An example of the latter is the 8086 S100 CPU board offered by Andrew Lynch.

David Griffith

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