
On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 12:33 PM, Mateusz Viste <mate...@viste.fr> wrote:
> I am confident there are many 386 owners here - what do you use for XMS
> management on your systems?

Sadly, I don't share your optimism. I hope I'm wrong, but most people
with legacy machines just aren't active anymore. (Even I don't have
any old machines hooked up, for various reasons.)

> I am working on a 1990 386SX with 4M of RAM these days, and I have some
> troubles setting up XMS management on it.
> Here's what happens:
> * HIMEMX v3.32: freezes the PC at boot time (I tried all possible A20
> management policies, doesn't change anything)

Did you try Rod P.'s (unofficial) 3.34 version?

> * XMGR 4-aug-2012: freezes the PC at boot time (I tried all possible A20
> management policies, doesn't change anything)

Try to use latest "Mar-05" (2015), and see if it makes a difference.

> * FDXMS 0.94: loads fine, most applications work fine, but Wolf3D
> detects no XMS memory.

Try a newer port (e.g. Wolf4GW) of that one app. Not a real solution,
but it's better than nothing if that is your only hangup.

> * FDXXMS 0.94: loads fine, but 'mem' displays all extended memory as "used".

I can't remember, but FDXXMS (I think??) supposedly had a bug where it
would forget what it found if your BIOS didn't do something properly.
(I think Martin S. is still somewhat active behind the scenes on
comp.os.msdos.djgpp, so you could try emailing him.)

Actually, I think I tried FDXMS and pals on this new-ish (2011)
machine and had problems, so I gave up on even alternating (config.sys
menu) with using them at all. For now, I'm just exclusively running

> * FDXMS286 0.03: loads fine, all applications work fine (including
> Wolf3D), but the system freezes randomly just after launching or
> quitting applications (even if these applications do not use XMS).

At this point, I'd almost wonder if it is a hardware problem. Of
course, the only way to find out is run a competing DOS (e.g. MS or
DR) and see if that too has problems. (Or memtest or whatever. Not
totally sure and can't remember about using the old DOS port of that,
ask Eric.)

> FDXMS 0.94 seems to be the most reliable yet on this system, but still
> not perfect (Wolf3D doesn't see any XMS memory).

So literally everything else you tried runs fine?? You'd be very lucky
to only have (found) such a bug in Wolf3D. Obviously you seem to imply
that it's something else, but if it truly is only that one game that
messes up, just use a newer port:


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