Hello all,

As discussed in the last 2 weeks, we are getting close to the 4.2 finish line and releasing FreeIPA 4.2 Alpha 1. We already have most of the major RFEs complete, some still miss some partial functionality, but most are testable and in Alpha state already.

We need to now find out what is blocking us from releasing the Alpha. I know only about 2 issues:

- ipa-replica-manage del does not work well with the Topology plugin yet - Petr Vobornik and Ludwig are working on it - ipa-replica-prepare had some issues after upgrade from 4.1.x to 4.2.0 due to inaccesible certificate profiles - Jan, Martin2, Fraser was investigating

Is that correct? Feature owners, please let me know if any of the major feature regressed and is not working properly, maybe by other patch sets being merged.

When the blockers are resolved or documented, we should release the beast. Any volunteer for the release process?

Finally, I put together a release note draft for the Alpha, please help me completing and updating it:


Thanks everyone!

Martin Kosek <mko...@redhat.com>
Supervisor, Software Engineering - Identity Management Team
Red Hat Inc.

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