Stefan A. wrote:
> What would you recommend to do, if your client is a proxy server? NAS-ID?

  No.  Don't send policies back.

  You don't control the NAS.  So you have no business sending it
NAS-specific policies.

> Nice idea, as long as a NAS vendor does not introduce another or additional 
> way(/attribute) to do things in never NAS OS Versions.
> In that case you would possible get in trouble if you have both NAS OS 
> versions in your network and feed them with mixed attributes.
> Starent did this in the past, where they had a bunch of QoS attributes in one 
> Version and a single Attribute (177) to handle them all at once in never 
> versions.

  Yes, well, NAS vendors have been known for doing weird things.  Hence
RFC 6158.

  Alan DeKok.
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