Even I can detect a willful argumentative bent here.  Ray said, and I
quote: "Yes, we lie frequently."

You said, "OK.  Well, if we're all always lying, [...]"

Now now, you know better...


On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 11:42 AM, glen <g...@ropella.name> wrote:

> Parks, Raymond wrote at 01/17/2013 10:34 AM:
> > Yes, we lie frequently.  Yes, it is lying - we are either stating a
> > falsehood or omitting the truth (the atheist example upthread).
> > Human beings are social animals - we constantly try to manipulate our
> > social situation for our personal optimum - it's built into us.  Some
> > of us are better at it than others.  Some (Aspergers?) are downright
> > incapable.
> OK.  Well, if we're all always lying, then it seems like "lying" is a
> useless term.  In order to make progress in the discussion, we'll have
> to come up with a taxonomy of qualifiers.  We've covered "white".  It's
> ubiquitous, and hence also useless.  What other types of lying are
> there?  Specifically, which lies are indicators of legally relevant
> internal states like shame versus which lies are merely facilitators of
> the type of information control advocated by Eric and my lurker's use case?
> --
> glen
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