On 03 Oct 2001 22:06:56 -0400, Suzanne Britton wrote:
> I've been tinkering with the FVWM 2.4.2 source code lately, trying to rectify
> one of its few remaining lacks of themability :-) I've developed a patch which
> adds a new type of TitleStyle. You can specify up to six pixmaps for the
> titlebar in each state: main, under text, left of text, right of text, far
> left, and far right (the first two are tiled, the rest aren't). This allows
> FVWM to do a quite pleasing rendition of themes like Eazel-Blue and Crux
> (though without the fancy borders).
> The config syntax looks like this currently:
>    TitleStyle Fancy <state> <main pixmap> <far left> <left of text>
>                     <under text> <right of text> <far right>

Should not the order for consistency be the following:

  TitleStyle <state> Fancy ...

> You can specify "no pixmap" at any position by substituting '-' for a pixmap
> filename. The main pixmap will be tiled over any resulting empty spaces.

I can't apply your patch right now. I have more questions:

  * In http://www.igs.net/~tril/fvwm/glenwood.jpg do you use transparent
pixmaps for <* text>? The same question about <far *>.
It is not critical if all pixmaps should be non-transparent, but if only
Main pixmap is fully destructive, it may be replaced by a general colorset
later (TiledPixmap, [Resizable]Pixmap, complex gradient, solid color),
while all other pixmaps would be only partially destructive.

  * Currently a titlebar text noticeably flickers in some configurations.
How is a flickery with your patch?

Just for a curiosity how hard is to update your patch to do the following:

  * Use named parameters for pixmaps with only one mandatory Main?

  * Use optionally Main pixmap as resizable instead of tiled.

  * Add optionally Button (LeftButton/RightButton) pixmaps that would be
used instead of Main in ButtonStyle UseTitleStyle. This is needed if
buttons are configured separately from a titlebar like in fvwm-themes.

I am not sure the following are needed in practice, but to think about:

  * Use optionally LeftMain and RightMain instead of Main. Probably
only useful with Centered text.

  * Optionally undefined <under text> pixmap is skipped (like other
non-main pixmaps) instead of retiled.

Options may be given after "--" like in other TitleStyle styles.
What I said is only thoughts. I am trying to find a reasonable optimum.

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