OK, let me make it a little clearer.

I have a Sawtooth with a PCI graphics card (ATI Rage 128). This leaves the 
AGP port free. I got sent a card which I think is a GeForce FX5200 from a 
G5, which has been cut as it is an AGP 8x card and Sawtooth machines will 
only accept AGP 2x/4x.

Here are some pictures of the modded/hacked card




I cannot get the card to sit in the machine properly. If I put it inline 
with the back of the machine it will not go in the slot. The grooves in the 
card do not match up to the grooves in the card edge.

Here is the AGP slot - you can see the PCI card installed.




If I put the card in so it fits in the slot, the card sits an inch back 
from the back of the machine. I know they shouldn't be like this and I know 
some cards card be a pain to get in, especially if the card face plate is a 
little bent.


Can you see my problem?

The ATI card (in the PCI slot) is VGA. The GeForce card (in the AGP slot) 
is DVI/ADC. My monitor is only VGA. So I cannot test the GeForce card on 
its own. Hence the reason I wanted to boot with both cards installed and 
hook the monitor to the ATI card. Then I should be able to see the GeForce 
card in System Profiler.

If the card then works I will buy a new monitor or a converter, but I won't 
unless I can get anything out of this card. With both cards in the machine 
will boot the grey Apple screen and go no further.

The Mac works fine with just the ATI card installed.

I hope that clears a few things up. Any suggestions. I'm not a computer 
novice, but this has stumped me a little.


--- http://www.simonroyal.co.uk - Mac news, reviews, guides, upgrades, 
hacks and more... - http://www.nmug.org.uk - webmaster for Norwich Mac User 
Group - The box said requires Windows XP or better, so I bought an Apple 

On Oct 19 2008, dc wrote:

I'm so confused.. one of your replies got posted as a separate thread.
If the ATI card is a PCI version then the AGP slot is empty, right? So
AGP card could fit right in next to the PCI card. The only reason I
can think of to have a PCI card when an AGP slot is available would be
if the AGP slot is burned out. Can you ask the previous owner if there
was a problem? And what do you mean when you say the Nvidia card has
been "cut"?

On Oct 18, 5:24 pm, Simon Royal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> DC
> I definitely have a Sawtooth, not a Yikes. It has an Airport card in its
> slot - which the Yikes didn't have.
> However, the previous owner has removed the AGP graphics card and put in a
> PCI ATI Rage 128 Pro, looks like it is from the B&W G3.
> I have installed regular AGP cards before in other machines and I know 
> they are a little tricky at times, but this one just doesn't want to fit.
> It already has had the card cut and taped over.
> Simon
> ---http://www.simonroyal.co.uk- Mac news, reviews, guides, upgrades,
> hacks and more... -http://www.nmug.org.uk- webmaster for Norwich Mac User
> Group - The box said requires Windows XP or better, so I bought an Apple
> Mac.
> On Oct 18 2008, dc wrote:
> I hope you're not trying to fit it into a "Yikes" with a PCI graphics
> slot.... Just make sure you are putting it in the AGP slot (the first
> slot, the one toward the center of the motherboard) and opening the
> AGP tab at the back of the slot (toward the center of the
> motherboard). Don't put too much pressure on the tab or it will snap
> off, it only needs to move a slight bit to let the card seat. I guess
> you must be familiar with it since you took the original card out? And
> be careful not to move the tape that is covering pins 3 & 11 or all
> you will see is a black screen or KP when you startup.
> On Oct 18, 4:58 pm, Simon Royal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi
> > Andy from this G3-5 list very kindly sent me a USB2 card for my 
> > Sawtooth which works fine. He also sent me a graphics card to replace 
> > the ATI card in it.
> > It is an nVidia, model number A146. Googling it brought it up as an 
> > nVidia GeForce 5200 FX.
> > I cannot seem to get it in my Sawtooth. Searching Google again it 
> > seems you need to hack it and cover some of the edges with tape. It 
> > looks as if this is already done, but I still can't get it in.
> > Am I being thick or is there something esle I should be doing?
> > Simon
> > ---http://www.simonroyal.co.uk-Mac news, reviews, guides, upgrades,
> > hacks and more... -http://www.nmug.org.uk-webmaster for Norwich Mac User
> > Group - The box said requires Windows XP or better, so I bought an Apple
> > Mac.

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