On Dec 7, 2008, at 9:20 AM, billycar_G3-5 wrote:

>> If you can get one of those OWC drives which have no bezel and no
>> tray front (and no LED indicators), then do so for a Quicksilver. The
>> QS' media bays are quite different from earlier (and later) Apples.
> I recently traded out a suspected bad PIONEER DVD-RW  DVR-106D with a
> good one, same style, and didn't notice any bevel issues in the QS.
> Did I miss something?

The DVR-111s which OWC had were Apple OEM.

These were black, but with no bezel and no tray front.

Probably intended for G5s.

The QS media bay is quite a bit tighter than earlier and later media  

This was the only machine to use that specific media bay, BTW.

Some drives have to have their tray fronts cut down (if not  
removable), or removed (if removable).

I bought two of the drives from OWC, one for each of my QSes.

The QS bay covers up the LED, anyway, so it can never be seen, even  
if it was present.

The earlier bays work well with or without a tray front.

The QS works best without a tray front.

These pop off on many drives.

> Is the Pioneer 116D a good one and the most recent?

Sounds right.

I have been buying SATA burners, only, recently.

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