Jonathan Schleifer wrote:
> If you don't believe me, look at the patches 

Of course I believe you.

It was surprising to me to label 0.11.4 as utterly broken and
unsuitable for release.  Debian Lenny (the next stable release that is
about to become reality soon) will ship with namely this version, and
I guess Mandriva/Ubuntu releases ship that too.

Furthermore, Yann maintains the `gajim' package in Debian, so if it's
really that bad, he ought to do something.  This is going to be
supported at least for 2.5 years (roughly) more.

It seems to me premature to advise a downstream packager to resort to
0.12(beta or not) -- which is (with slight exaggeration) a completely
new beast.  No sane distro will ship the new beast at the very last
moment, when their archive is frozen (such as Fedora's).  Exceptions
are being made for exceptional monsters like Mozilla, but that's
always broken anyway, no matter what you do...

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