You're missing the point entirely, though.  Here are some of your thoughts, 
with a response that will, hopefully, explain why it should be left as it 
originally was.  These are my thoughts on yours:

This is the 21st century and everyone wants something that was popular in
the 70-80's to be kept the same.

How about moving up and upgrading to the current and future? If people want
games that are from the 70-80's, why not just buy a game from that era and
play it?
My response is that we, as blind people, who have not been able to play the 
original games, will now have a chance to do so.  Because we have never 
played the game, it is, obviously, new to us.  I emphasize new to us, 
because that is the key.

How ridiculous is it to want a game that is old and dusty? Why not have a
game that has a lot of replay value and one that can offer so much more fun
and challenges and current with today's programming capabilities? why not
make a game that is attractive to all old and young a like?
My response:  What makes you think that Montezuma's Revenge has no replay 
value?  The game's age??  Have you played it all the way through?  No, 
because it does not exist in a format that blind people can access.  Here 
again, just because a game is old does not mean that it does not have replay 
value.  Chess is over 2,000 years old, and it is still played all over the 
world by tons of people.  The age of a game has no bearing on whether it 
has, or does not have, replay value.  If a game is good, it will remain so. 
Time does tell the quality of a game.  The good ones last forever.

I am a older gentlemen and want games that are current and offer all the
bells and whistles.
My response:  Well, I'm 52, and I want games I have never been able to play 
before, regardless of their age or how many bells and whistles they have. 
If I like the game, I'll play it again and again.  If it has replay value, 
I'll be satisfied.  By the way, I do play chess.  I don't care when it was 
invented or how it has evolved, I still love it because it is a good game.

My opinion only.

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