I had owned an amiga500 and played battle chess. It was played as regular 
chess, but the neat thing was that the pieces were animated and represented 
thier various names. For instance, the knight was a literal knight, a bishop 
was an actual bishop. The rook was some kind of rock golem which lead to 
some funny things.
Anyway, if a piece takes another, depending on the piece attacking and the 
piece being taken an animation would play. The rook would transform into 
that rock monster and swallow a knight whole and spit out a shield or 
something, while the bishod spear a pawn thru and funny things like that.
After a while, it all got boring after you have seen all of the animated 
sequences for each piece. This is probably where wizard chess came from.
Back in the old atari computer  days there was this game called Archon. This 
was a combonation of chess and combat. The sides were divided into the light 
side and the dark side with appropiate monsters and such for each. The light 
side had a wizard, knights, griffons, pegasus, while the dark side had an 
evil sorceress, and had medusa, orcs, dragons, basilisks etc. In addition, 
your spell casting  pieces could cast certain spells like teleport a piece, 
ressurect a piece, heal, destroy and stuff like that.
the chess board was the same except for the presence of power points, or ley 
lines. If one of the sides had one of their pieces on each power square for 
a full turn, that side won the game, in addition to the usual killing of the 
head piece for victory.
When a player moves a piece onto the space of an opponent, they switched to 
battle mode. This consisted of a fenced in area with objects all about to 
hide behind. Each piece had it's own strength, speed, and power, whilie the 
orcs and knights had no ranged weapon, which made them pawns.
Most of the other pieces could shoot some kind of missile. Once the opponent 
lost all their Hit Points they were dead and the surviving piece holds the 
square. The pieces on those power squares also heal, but those that are not 
on a power square and are damaged cannot heal until they are healed by the 
spellcasting piece.
This game was a blast because it involved strategy and old fashioned video 
game hand eye coordination.

Father, forgive them, For they know not what they do
Jesus of Nazareth  33 AD
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "shaun everiss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 2:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about chess

> Well I don't really give a care about standard chess.
> Battle chess is what I am interested in, I heard such a game on amiga
> and well its something from dnd and chess, something betwene, while
> all the dice and things are like dnd you play the game like chess.
> Sounds were quite good.
> I'm not sure about wizzard chess but if its anything like harry
> potter things then it could be simular to battle chess in fact I'm
> sure its an emulation bassed on the same idea.
> At 04:34 p.m. 2/10/2006, you wrote:
>>Actually, chess has been modified to spark interest when interest had been
>>lacking on many occasions, but none have lasted very long, and the game's
>>current rules have stayed pretty stable for many years.  The only 2 major
>>rule changes within the last several hundred years are that the pawn could
>>move 2 squares on its first move as well as now being allowed to capture 
>>passant, and that the queen can now move as far as possible along a
>>diagonal, vertical or horizontal line, and can capture in the same way.
>>It ain't pretty when the pretty leaves you with no place to go.
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Phil Vlasak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
>>Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2006 5:14 PM
>>Subject: [Audyssey] Thoughts about chess
>> > Hi Charles,
>> > If there was ever a game that is old and dusty, it is chess!
>> > We could make it modern by changing the way the pieces move!
>> > Have you ever seen a horse that moves straight and then turns 90 
>> > degrees?
>> > How about having him jump two spaces, then jump two more and for the 
>> > hell
>> > of it jump another two in a straight line!
>> > And  how about the castles they should not be able to move at all, 
>> > except
>> > if
>> > they fall over and crush what is next to them thus killing themselves.
>> > And who ever saw a king that was so old and feeble he could only move 
>> > one
>> > square?
>> > How about if the king could jump eight squares in any direction!
>> > Wow that will knock the dust off this old game!
>> > smiles,
>> > Phil
>> >
>> >
>> > ----- Original Message -----
>> > From: "Charles Rivard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
>> > Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2006 6:21 PM
>> > Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Thoughts about Montezuma's Revenge.
>> >
>> >
>> >> You're missing the point entirely, though.  Here are some of your
>> >> thoughts,
>> >> with a response that will, hopefully, explain why it should be left as 
>> >> it
>> >> originally was.  These are my thoughts on yours:
>> >>
>> >> This is the 21st century and everyone wants something that was popular 
>> >> in
>> >> the 70-80's to be kept the same.
>> >>
>> >> How about moving up and upgrading to the current and future? If people
>> >> want
>> >> games that are from the 70-80's, why not just buy a game from that era
>> >> and
>> >> play it?
>> >> My response is that we, as blind people, who have not been able to 
>> >> play
>> >> the
>> >> original games, will now have a chance to do so.  Because we have 
>> >> never
>> >> played the game, it is, obviously, new to us.  I emphasize new to us,
>> >> because that is the key.
>> >>
>> >> How ridiculous is it to want a game that is old and dusty? Why not 
>> >> have a
>> >> game that has a lot of replay value and one that can offer so much 
>> >> more
>> >> fun
>> >> and challenges and current with today's programming capabilities? why 
>> >> not
>> >> make a game that is attractive to all old and young a like?
>> >> My response:  What makes you think that Montezuma's Revenge has no 
>> >> replay
>> >> value?  The game's age??  Have you played it all the way through?  No,
>> >> because it does not exist in a format that blind people can access. 
>> >> Here
>> >> again, just because a game is old does not mean that it does not have
>> >> replay
>> >> value.  Chess is over 2,000 years old, and it is still played all over
>> >> the
>> >> world by tons of people.  The age of a game has no bearing on whether 
>> >> it
>> >> has, or does not have, replay value.  If a game is good, it will 
>> >> remain
>> >> so.
>> >> Time does tell the quality of a game.  The good ones last forever.
>> >>
>> >
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