Hi Tom.

Wow! I bet original space invaders on a 78 inch projector was cool. I currently have my snes, Pc and gamecube plugged into a 42 inch flatscreen, which is pretty awsome after years of playing on standard sized tv screens, but I'm still jealous! :D.

Back when we had the atari 2600 we were on a 15 inch tv, so no, I don't imagine the invaders were very clear.

I also however do wonder if there was a different version of space invaders. The one we had on the Atari 2600 had the invaders in rows and columns, but if I remember rightly the invaders were yellow, and the shields between you and them were orange while your gun was green. it also had a two player option with one green gun and one purple gun.

I have played a version with red invaders and blue shields on one of those multi game consoles that have hundreds of games on one machine and you just plug into the tv.

I suppose though just like Packman and several other games at the time, there were various different versions of space invaders around and it's entirely possible that the first one I played wasn't the original.

All the best,


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