Hi kara.

You are correct that visually all events in a game require the player to notice before hand, however my point was not really about reaction times. it's quite possible to react to an audio stimulous as fast as a visual one and your absolutely correct about some blind people with super fast speech, however the problem is showing information with enough accuracy to make the game appeal to a player's faculties of judgement, logic, and knolidge of the mechanics, rather than just reducing down to a boppit style reaction test.

One of the things that makes graphical space invaders so appealing is that the player is tracking many factors at once. The position of the spaceships above them, the firing of bullets from those ships and the need to dodge, the position of their shields, and the position of not only the particular invader they're shooting but the ones right across the screen.

My suggestion of telegraphing attacks therefore wasn't to slow down the necessary reactions, but to give the player more information about factors other than the immediate threat, so that the player is required to make value judgements about in game objects and how they behave, not just "hear it, hit it"

You are definitely right that such a thing would not be necessary in an fps like Audio quake, but that is because the audio fp view already gives the player a good amount of information for tracking in game objects and making judgements about their movements and position, indeed this is likely why games like Swamp, Shades of doom etc have become so popular, sinse they do! give the player more to engage with than just basic reaction speed.

hope this makes sense.

Beware the grue!


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