Hi Dark,

Just a slight correction if I might. This is not intended to be
anything more than information for information's sake.

Dark wrote:
One of the things that makes graphical space invaders so appealing is
that the player is tracking many factors at once. The position of the
spaceships above them, the firing of bullets from those ships and the
need to dodge, the position of their shields, and the position of not
only the particular invader they're shooting but the ones right across
the screen.
End quote

Actually, the invaders themselves are little guys in red spacesuits
descending from a spaceship at the top of the screen. As I recall the
mothership doesn't attack the player. Only the little guys in red
spacesuits drop bombs or bullets at the player.

I suspect your use of spaceships is based on the various audio
renditions of Space Invaders where many spaceships are used rather
than little aliens in red spacesuits. Its an understandable mistake,
but just wanted to point out in classic Space Invaders, the one you
are talking about, it is several aliens in spacesuits not spaceships
the player is shooting at.


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