Hi Dark,

Well, I can say I have looked at the possibility of adding voice
commands to Final Conflict as I like the idea of being able to
actually order fire photon torpedo's verbally rather than selecting it
from a menu etc. In a turn based strategy game such as that there is
no time critical game play and you can basically give all the commands
verbally just as easily, if not more so, than the menus.

However, in a racing game I am pretty certain voice input would not
work. Most analog racing games allow for sharp turns and precision
driving around curves which require the right amount of turn on the
racing wheel or controller. Voice input does not give that degree of
precision. If a gamer yells "left" how left is left?

Besides as someone who has played racing games, mainstream and
accessible, I prefer having a physical controller in my hands. I like
being able to turn the wheel, hit the breaks, and the feel of driving
a car even if it is virtual. Telling the car what to do like a virtual
version of KITT wouldn't nearly be as fun or entertaining.

However, I do think voice input would be perfectly fine for an RPG.
Perhaps a roguelike game such as Entombed. I could see giving
directions such as north, south, east, west, take, drop, etc being
well suited to that type of game.


On 10/26/14, dark <d...@xgam.org> wrote:
> sinse we've been discussing voice activation for new technology in a general
> sense, I wondered what people thought about the possibilities of voice
> control for games, after all this is something that has already started on
> mainstream consoles and a couple of indi games such as codename signus.
> So, I wonder what people think a good use of speech control for games would
> be.
> A voice activated arcade game could be entertaining and provide a lot of
> atmosphere, ---- imagine a racing game where your yelling "left! left! now
> breeeeeeak!" or a sort of Dj style boppit game where your saying in rythm
> "hit it! pull it!" or whatever.
> however the major field I see for voice working in is stratogy games and
> rpgs. generally you can speak faster than you can type, and definitely
> faster than you can find and hit controls. sinse however speech is a
> manifestly more complex method of input than just hitting buttons, and
> doesn't have the disadvantage of having a relativistic speed and being
> commonly missunderstood the way fast typed keyboard inputs do, I wonder if
> speech in a mud or real time stratogy game could be fun, especially sinse
> you could have your hands on the touch screen or keyboard controls doing
> other things.
> Imagine for example an rpg where you used the keyboard to launche physical
> attacks such as sword thrusts in response to real time audio, but used your
> voice to wield magic.
> This could be quite a lot of fun, because the essential physical combat
> could then work in an arcade style and the complexity could occur at the
> metter level of your speech. For example the arcade fighting part of the
> game could be similar to blind swordsman, ie, hear a sword swing and block,
> but you could then use your voice to say "Cast ice blade!" or similar.
> Similarly, imagine a real time time of conflict style stratogy where you
> could give all your orders vocally. you could be reviewing the map with your
> fingers or curser keys, but could give orders as you did it rather than
> having to pause the game and input commands.
> Of course the disadvantage is I don't know whether this technology would
> exists sinse the hole chat and gaming thing is also very common at the
> moment and certainly on mainstream consoles mikes are more commonly for
> voice chat with other online players than voice commands to the game, but I
> thought it was a fun idea.
> Obviously for access reasons as Tom said earlier there would need to be more
> traditional alternatives in such games, but I did think it was an
> interesting possibility to speculate on.
> Beware the grue!
> Dark.
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