Hello che.

while I take the point about single player games, what you say does slightly 
concern me as regards the Pvp aspect.

cooperative quests, and interactions with other players deffinately appeals 
to me, but Pvp isn't quite as much my thing, and I'd be slightly 
disappointed if this aspect of the game took things over slightly (as it has 
in some other games I've heard of).

will there be some kind of limit on player killing, such as only having 
specific areas for it? or choosing account types? (pvp or not).

According to my brother, in world of warcraft, you can choose to either play 
on a Pvp enabled or disabled server, ----- even on the disabled server, 
there are battle ground areas specifically for fighting other players if you 
want. apparently though, Pvp servers can be a pain, sinse you can basically 
be ambushed and attacked by total strangers at almost any point when your 
not somewhere safe, my brother says this can be a particular pest when out 
of quests.

Of course, other sorts of competitions such as raking, or contests not 
involving player killing are apparently encouraged on both servers.

I imagine I'll be more in the minority in wanting slightly less of the Pvp 
game aspects, stil, while your at the planning stage I thought I'd put in a 

Beware the Grue!


----- Original Message ----- 
To: "Josh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 12:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New RPG and Sound RTS and its potential

>  There simply will not be a single player mode of this game, it would take
> a lot of extra programming to do and most of the people playing it 
> wouldn't
> be playing for the single player experience anyway.
>  I think we have plenty of single player games out there, and the success
> of Rail Racer online racing has shown me there is definately a place for
> online competition in the blind gaming community.
>  Additionally, making it online only releves me of the headache of 
> building
> in anti piracy code, as the program itself will be completely free to
> download.
>  Later,
>  Che

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