Hi Charles,
As far as fictitious names goes I think going with last names would work for two reasons.

First, most first names have alternative spellings and nicknames attached. A name like Shaun can be spelled like Shaun, Shawn, or Sean, and a name like Richard can be nicknamed Rich, Rick, Richie, Rickie, Dick, etc. Lots of possibilities. Where a name like Johnson is short and to the point.

Second, while racing tends to be a male sport it isn't always the case. Some women really dig racing too, and it would be kind of sexist to fill all of the driver data with male names. A last name can be either one. In fact, I have a few female customers on pre-order for the game so it wouldn't be cool to exclude them.


Charles Rivard wrote:
Fictitious drivers, created from a list of first and last names or allowing us to type a name of our own choosing, fictitious sponsors, and real track names with accurate configurations such as banking and layout are what I would like, as long as copyright issues don't arise.

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