For the second time this morning, --- and those who wish to know, Core exiles, ---- or Ce is an online game played in your brouser.

It is rather like the smugglers games in that you have a spaceship, fly around, undertake missions for npcs or various factions, fight pirates and other enemies, trade goods, mine asteroids and a hole bunch of other things which there's not time to go into (there truly is! a staggering amount of stuff to do in the game).

The game has lots of background and story, ---- and npc missions, also trading with other players and the ability to own factories, settlements or stores to sell things.

Other than batling mechs for sport, there is absolutely no pvp and players cannot attack one another, ---- which actually makes for a very! nice bunch of players to interact with.

You can find it at


Beware the Grue!


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