Hi Milos,
When ever I get an idea for a game or if I want to change something in a game I write it down in a notes file so that I don't forget it. When I am developing a game like the Harry Potter world Sarah game, I take notes while reading the books of creatures and items I would like to have in the game. For example, Harry learned a water spell in the last book so I want that to be in the Sarah game.
First I find a water spraying sound.
Then I think of how water would affect the creatures or objects in the game.
The first thing is that water puts out fires, so whenever there is a fire in the game, I make the water spell put it out. Recently I thought that spraying water on the floor could force the caretaker to mop up the spill before chasing you. So I have added that feature to the game that once per floor if the caretaker is close and you use the water spell, he will mop it up for a short time.
That's how I program a game.

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