I am still having issues playing.
I don't know how to attack, and I end up running into a trap, loads of me and guards and not being able to get to where I should go.
we need some sort of internal map to.
something to record how many ticks have gone past to.
On the subject of sounds you already have the ticks from lunimals so those will work with ticks.
You should have the generic tile sounds from lunimals for walking round.
a wall sound is probably needed but you probably have that from lunimals anyway. when you jump you probably want a woosh or some sort of teleport maybe a whoosh will do thats easily obtained anyway. I think rooms should have ambience depending, as well as objects, warnings, etc. Also if you move onto a square with someone you will have a tick or 3 to decide where to go before spotted.
You can attack them or move to another square.
but if you stand for to long and make the wrong move you are history or something.
At 01:57 a.m. 13/06/2011, you wrote:
Thanks guys! Several audyssey posts have come in, so I won't respond to each one individually just because I know they'll end up as a big block of like 10 messages by me, all in a row. I don't think anyone wants to read that many posts from me all in a row, Haha!

I'm very glad this game concept is being accepted with open arms! I was considering tossing this little game into my pile of unfinished games, because I worried it would get the same reaction as my "puzzle divided" game. I am happy to see my worries were unfounded! As you all know, and have been kind enough not to point out, the game doesn't even have any sounds yet, lol. I have that on my list of things to do, but it is actually quite a long list now thanks to many excellent suggestions coming in from the community. I've had to prioritize the updates, so my first concern has been suggestions which help players understand the game environment around them. If you're using an older version (anything below v1.0b) you might want to update just so you can hear the more detailed environment messages. Next I believe I will work on the second mission, which I would have pushed back for later, but a lot of people finished the first and are begging for it. My fault for making mission 1 too easy eh? lol, just kidding. Sooner or later though, I plan to add in sounds, which will hopefully raise both the quality of the game, and the immersion factor. Thanks again guys!

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