I've just uploaded version 0.5b which has some changes.  I've fixed a few more 
sound buffer issues that I think were the cause of the "ghostly" sounds Omar 
was hearing.  I've also laid the ground work for missions in the game, though 
they are only partially complete.  I still need to hear back from you guys 
about the idea of limited ammo.  Should you have infinite ammo clips to reload 
with, or should you only have a certain amount and have to find new ones?  
Depending on how much people need to shoot their gun, limited ammo could end up 
being a problem.  Unlimited ammo isn't as realistic, but lets also remember 
that it is alright for a game to do some things unrealistically if it improves 
the fun.  Just let me know what you guys think.

You can now press the Q button to hear your current mission.
The game has a few missions just to test the system out, but currently once you 
reach the gas station the rest of the mission hasn't been built yet.  Actually, 
once you leave the swamp just consider everything else to be unfinished.  You 
can run around in the parts of the map I didn't complete yet, but there will be 
a lot of open empty space, and very few zombies to fight.

The download link is still the same:

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