Ofcause apple and android is good but I must say I don't hold much in ms access after what they did to narator.
Sure we have some access but its only in later years when they really tried.
So we may have to have our own comercial access again.

At 09:54 a.m. 22/04/2012 -0400, you wrote:

Hi Dark,

Well, that is where VoiceOver comes in handy. As Charles said if you just touch an area of the screen VoiceOver will speak what you are pointing at and iOS won't activate the item unless you double tap or triple tap the item in question. This allows us to explore the touchscreen without accidentally activating everything as we explore the screen and the layout. So there is verbal feedback as to what we are doing. I guess in that sense there is auditory markers.

On 4/22/2012 9:34 AM, dark wrote:
Hi Tom.

Well as I've said, my own mental mapping and spacial location skills are not really up to much, so I'm not sure how a touch screen will work for me.

That being said, I probably would be fine if there is some sort of auditory marker, since then, instead of attempting a complete mental map of everything on the pad, I can simply remember "right of item x" which is indeed how I do all my mental mapping exercizes, by relations to existing objects rather than by attempting some sort of overview, whether that's in an fps game, a mobility route, on stage or whatever else.

that's why I'm hoping I'll find a touch screen workable despite my lack of space, since there's lots of interesting stuff on Ios to do at the moment.

For pcs though, we'll see. As I said in another message, i think keyboards will always be necessary for reasons of typing and word processing, and thus keyboard navigation. i know microsoft got into severe trouble over the ribbons in windows 7, so I'm hoping that windows 8 will at least be a little more logical, ---- though the annoying trend of womping as much information into as smaller space as possible so that sighted people can get a skim overview is one I'm less fond of.

Beware the grue!


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