Hi Jim,

Well, I don't own a database of questions either, but I'm pretty sure I could create one pretty easily. Thanks to my college education I often times can hold my own when listening to Jeopardy, and my extensive studying of history, geography, science, art, and music could probably be used to create the beginnings of a decent database. Plus I suppose I could always purchase the board game from the store, and use it as a starter database as well.

The only problem I have with Trivia and quiz games is that since the developer has to know the answer to every question asked there is no way he or she can lose unless there is some kind of custom database created by other gamers. That's where your Trivia engine comes in handy because if I create a Trivia file I will know the correct answers, but if someone else created the file I won't necessarily know all the answers. So I would say that having some way to add custom databases or quiz files would be necessary here.

On 5/25/2012 10:28 AM, Jim Kitchen wrote:
Hi Thomas,

You make a very good point about spelling the answers in a Jeopardy game. And the multiple choice doesn't seem to be a real good solution either. My other problem with making a Jeopardy game is that I do not own a data base of questions and answers. That is what has been nice about people creating and sharing trivia files for my trivia game engine.



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