Hi Bryan,

I agree. Multiple choice is really the only way to do it. Basically, something like Jim Kitchen's trivia game accept with the Jeopardy music, Jeopardy rules, and so on as close as we could get.


On 5/25/2012 11:53 AM, bpeterson2...@cableone.net wrote:
Like I said, I had a handheld Jeopardy game that used multiple choice. It came with a book which is where the clues were. So the game would give ou the number of a clue to answer and you'd find that clue in the book. THen you'd push te little buttom that corresponded with te letter of your choice. I remember the nit had a cartridge in it, which would seem to hint that at the time it was developed one could have multiple sets of questions. But Multiple Choice would seem to me to be the only way to do it that wouldn't cause problems for people who can't spell. And people have been penalized in Final Jeopardy for incorrect spelling as well as for mispromnunciation in the regular game.

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