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Since you mentioned many times that the economy under  Trump is better than
Obama, I thought I would share this info for you to digest.

I am copying for you a question from Quora reader who asked, “ Why is Trump
economy  is growing better than the Obama Economy?”

Trump just like to brag, just like the way he bragged at the UN conference
announcing that he is the greatest president that America has ever had,
 and the crowd laughed.

He thought they are laughing with him instead of at him. There was nothing
funny that he said, but his bragging was funny.

The momentum of the stock market is upward because of the tax cut but our
trade deficit will go higher. Inflation will eventually will happen. The
stock market will have a correction eventually.

Ok, I wish I can show the video tape but this is the run down from Jay
Valenci, a political analyst/junkie.

I saw the same explanation from Ron Sana, an economy commentator for CNN
and CNBC.

Jay Valenci, Political junky

Answered Sep 25

It isn’t. Let’s go to the video tape.

Job Creation by year . Obama Administration.

2013- 2.3 million

2014- 2.99 million

2015- 2.7 million

2016- 2.2 million

Trump Administration

2017- 2.18 million

Job creation during the Trump Administration is actually slightly lower
than the Obama administration.

GDP Growth by year. Obama Administration

2013- 1.8%

2014- 2.5%

2015- 2.9%

2016- 1.6%

Trump Administration

2017- 2.2%

GDP growth is actually about the same. The difference is President Obama
started during the worst recession since 1929. Trump actually inherited a
growing economy.

When Trump tells you this is the greatest economy in American History it is
yet another lie to add to the growing list
  • [GELORA45] Chalik Hamid chalik.ha...@yahoo.co.id [GELORA45]
  • [GELORA45] Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
  • [GELORA45] kh djie dji...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
  • [GELORA45] Chalik Hamid chalik.ha...@yahoo.co.id [GELORA45]
  • [GELORA45] Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
  • [GELORA45] Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
  • [GELORA45] Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
  • [GELORA45] Stefanus Suyatno stefanus.suya...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
  • [GELORA45] Chalik Hamid chalik.ha...@yahoo.co.id [GELORA45]
  • [GELORA45] Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
  • [GELORA45] kh djie dji...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
  • [GELORA45] Chalik Hamid chalik.ha...@yahoo.co.id [GELORA45]
  • [GELORA45] kh djie dji...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
  • [GELORA45] Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
  • [GELORA45] Chalik Hamid chalik.ha...@yahoo.co.id [GELORA45]
    • [GELORA45] Chalik Hamid chalik.ha...@yahoo.co.id [GELORA45]
  • [GELORA45] kh djie dji...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
  • [GELORA45] Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
  • [GELORA45] Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
  • [GELORA45] Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
  • [GELORA45] Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]

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