On Fri, 24 May 2002, Pier Fumagalli wrote:

> > Right but it should be up to ya'll tomcatters to work out your standards
> > amonst yerselves.  Thats my only issue.
> Nope, because if I vote a committer in, I give him access to the Tomcat CVS
> repo, but I also entitle him to vote for the friggin' next PMC, and _YOU_ my
> friend, might not like my choice, right?

I think in much simpler terms - if someone writes code and does work that 
is important for a project, he deserves to have the same rights as all 
other people who write code and do work.

Our goal is to get people involved and to get them to spend their free 
time and weekends helping us make the best container. If someone shows
the potential of making tomcat better, I would vote for him, even 
if I don't agree with his 'political' choices.

If one quarter of the new commiters make 1/2 the contributions that people
like Sam Ruby did - I'm quite happy. 

If this ( jakarta or tomcat ) into a elitist group that believes it is 
better than the rest of the world - I would rather spend my time 
contributing to sourceforge projects.

But arguing that someone shouldn't be a commiter because he may elect
someone we don't like in a PMC or because we don't like the portion
of the code he is interested in - that's unfair and wrong ( IMHO ).

Beeing a tomcat ( or jakarta ) developer is not easy. You have to spend
your time doing work and getting flames in return. You don't own
the code you write.  Up until recently we couldn't even vote for 
the PMC, and have little influence over the ASF decisions ( who is the 
owner of the code we write ).


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