> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew C. Oliver [mailto:acoliver@;apache.org]
> Sent: 20 October 2002 18:32
> To: 'Jakarta General List'
> Subject: Re: Is Cactus successful (was RE: [PROPOSAL] Tapestry joins
> Jakarta)
> > >
> > > Just FYI, you have failed to provide sufficient outside-of-jakarta
> > > marketing.
> >
> > Thanks for the information! You know what I like about you? It is
> > faith that you have in yourself and in the fact that you know it
> >
> I'm sorry to have insulted you.  I was only trying to help.  Based on
> what you said, the observations I'd had from where I work and what I'd
> observed.  If my observations were incorrect I apologize.

Hey, your observations may be right and I appreciate your help! ;-)

My strong reaction was probably due more to the tone of your email.
Saying to someone: "you have failed to provide ..." is not a very nice
thing to say. Saying, "maybe you should try to work more on the
marketing side" is softer! :-). My turn to apologize if my reaction was
too strong ;-)

Ok I want to be positive and try to see if there's anything I can do to
improve the overall Cactus community. You say Cactus might be missing
some marketing muscles. I would like to believe that. From the
information in my email do you still think there's more the Cactus team
could do?

You said the persons in your team were pondering about using Cactus.
That means they already know about it. So marketing is good! Maybe
documentation need to be improved?

FYI, we have actually started working on the Cactus front-end (Maven
plugin, Eclipse plugin, standalone testing application, Ant tasks, etc)
which should make it easier to use (this was one weak-point noted by the
users - the entry barrier).


> -Andy
> --
> http://www.superlinksoftware.com - software solutions for business
> http://jakarta.apache.org/poi - Excel/Word/OLE 2 Compound Document in
> Java
> http://krysalis.sourceforge.net/centipede - the best build/project
> structure
>                   a guy/gal could have! - Make Ant simple on complex
> Projects!
> The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to
> vote.
> -Ambassador Kosh
> --
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