On Sunday 20 October 2002 02:03 pm, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> Release more often, announce the releases.  While you may have had
> articles published, I've never actually seen one.  (I've seen them on
> Maven, Tomcat, Velocity, Struts to no end, Cocoon, Struts).  I found the
> best approach to this is to spam magazines and complain that they
> haven't covered it.  Find and article on say JUnit and write the author
> "but you haven't written on web app testing with cactus!"
No, it's not the best approach. 

The best way is call up an editor and say, "I'd like to write an article for 
you about Cactus. Cactus is <blah>, will interest you readers because of 
<blah>, and the article will be about N words long, not counting source code. 
Can I email you an outline?"

Editors have the incredibly difficult job of keeping the covers of the 
magazine apart. They desparately need articles. They can't pay as much as 
would seem fair, but enough to buy decent toys. 

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