On Mon, 2006-03-13 at 19:18 -0500, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> In terms of finding homes, I wonder if we should have a root directory under
> which we have inactive codebases.  One problem would be that no PMC would be
> responsible.  Or we could create a sort of reverse incubator: a curatorship,
> where no active development takes place, but where oversight exists.  If a
> community wakes up around the codebase again, the curators can help put the
> codebase back into a community.

curatorship is an interesting idea :)

a good curator does what's necessary to preserve the codebase and so
wouldn't preclude some development (the very occasional bug fix and the

probably no reason why the code needs to be moved or websites changed.
perhaps use a single mailing list with apmail magic to forward and
prefix messages from the old lists. this would give confidence about

- robert

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