On Sun, 2006-03-12 at 12:38 -0800, Martin Cooper wrote:
> On 3/7/06, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> Yes, Struts uses Digester. It also uses BeanUtils, Chain, FileUpload, IO,
> Logging and Validator.
> I think this whole thing is putting the cart before the horse. You're in the
> process of destroying Commons, not just dismantling it, and for no good
> reason that I can see. The people involved with Digester should be the ones
> to initiate a discussion about whether or not they want to take Digester
> elsewhere. As it is, this is coming across more like "why don't you guys go
> away, somewhere far away, 'cos we think that's a good idea".

I'm a committer on commons-digester, and don't mind Henry or others
discussing these topics at all. The pot of ideas needs a good stir from
time to time (and Henry is a good stirrer :-).

I do see some merit in having digester involved more with the xml crowd
in the xml project. However I would currently think the disadvantages
outweigh the advantages. In particular:
* Digester is really pretty stable. There is no great demand for new
  features from users, and not many outstanding issues. 
* The package names "org.apache.commons.digester" would be odd for
  a component in the xml umbrella, but there's just NO reason to
  force a package name change on users.
* As Martin says, there already exists a community here. There is
  *enough* support available at the moment in commons for
  Digester's stable needs.

So while I'm +1 for taking a look at each existing commons component to
determine *if* there might be a better home for it, I'm -0 to moving

I *will* have a think about whether Digester 2.x would be better off in
the xml project.



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