Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
>> [+1] Open up POI svn commit access.
>> [-1] Don't open POI svn commit access, because...
> As long as the ASF (entity)/ Jakarta PMC have an "WILL" to protect
> and can protect the developers from the Legal Issues,
> I am willing to put +1 to this vote.

The biggest problem is that if we need protection, there is currently nothing 
in place (even though
you need to swear something). There are no records, no signed documents and 
such thing needs to be
organised at a PMC / Apache level.

> -- I, personally, hope I can live happily and peacefully
> in this wonderful jakarta land (and the apache land).

+1 to that ;)

> -- Tetsuya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> P.S.
> Mvgr> Don't forget the vote in March where everyone voted +1
> Mvgr> except the POI committers.
> Seems that I could not catch up this thread (in [EMAIL PROTECTED] / March)
> at that time. Sorry.

http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=jakarta-general&m=114344584424864&w=2 is the 
start of the thread / vote.


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