On Sunday 23 August 2009 02:10:36 Chip Parker wrote:
> They're the same thing. It doesn't matter if the profiles directory is
> in located in /tmp or in /usr/local/portage, the behavior of paludis
> *still* doesn't support the feature that these profiles depend on and
> portage still *HAS* since before PMS was submitted to this list as an
> RFC in August of 2006.

The behaviour of Paludis doesn't matter as far as your own /etc goes, because 
you (presumably) don't use Paludis.  You're free to use whatever's supported 
by your own favourite package manager.

> Additionally, there isn't a way to define in paludis where the profiles
> actually exist outside of the repository configuration files, which means
> that in your mind, they're one and the same.

You can read minds now?  The actual reason why the profile is configured in 
the repository configuration file is that the profile used by a particular 
repository's packages is a parameter to that repository.  Not that that's 
relevant to what you do in your own /etc, as I said above.

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