On Sun, 04 Apr 2010 01:37:03 +0200, Sebastian Pipping
<sp...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> [...]
> > >> Here's another idea:
> >> The German Wikipedia uses a concept called "sighted revisions". If
> >> you visit an article without logging in you will see the latest
> >> sighted revision, as an identified user you can also view the
> >> latest revision.
> > 
> > That's an interesting idea, which we should consider.
> I'm not sure if that a thing to go for.  Drawbacks:
> - More work  (whereas we could use more manpower already)

We need moderators, that is clear. If they check the content for
correctness and remove spam they might just as well click one more
checkbox to mark a stable revision.

> - New bottlenecks

That's sorta point #1 rephrased.

> Couldn't we just make two big "namespaces"
>   'devs'        -- Developers only
>   'registered'  -- Full edit access to any registered user
> in the same wiki and have pages be in either namespace, reflecting the
> namespace in the page name or path somehow?

In MediaWiki, that'd be the nil namespace for 'registered',

and $whatever for 'devs':

For MoinMoin, I'd suggest what they call a wikicluster.


> I expect that to be
> - easy to implement

For both, yes.

> - providing a good mix of openness and quality control
> > GuideXML documents are often experienced as an unnecessary
> > barrier.
> I think you should clearly state again that this is not gonna replace
> GuideXML, just migrate a few use cases where a wiki fits better.
> This is what you aim for, right?


Alex Legler | Gentoo Security / Ruby
a...@gentoo.org | a...@jabber.ccc.de

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