On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 07:30:57PM -0400, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
> On 7/10/19 7:16 PM, William Hubbs wrote:
> > 3. add a sysvinit use flag to openrc, which will be off by default. When
> > it is on, openrc will block sysvinit since it will provide /sbin/init
> > and /sbin/shutdown.
> > 
> This logic, or maybe the name of the flag, sounds backwards to me. I
> only get sysvinit when USE=sysvinit is NOT set?

If you don't set sys-apps/openrc[sysvinit], you would have /sbin/init
and /sbin/shutdown as they are now, from sys-apps/sysvinit.

If you do set sys-apps/openrc[sysvinit], /sbin/init and /sbin/shutdown
would become wrappers for  /sbin/openrc-init and /sbin/openrc-shutdown.

Actually, I'm thinking that the use flag can't happen until the next
OpenRC release, because I need to set up openrc-shutdown so it can shut down
a system that is booted with sysvinit first.

> >             kernel_linux? (
> >             || (
> >             sys-apps/sysvinit
> >                     sys-apps/systemd
> >                     sys-apps/openrc
> >                     sys-process/runit
> >                     virtual/daemontools
> >     )
> Modulo my first comment, you'll want some USE flag (un)set for
> sys-apps/openrc to ensure that /sbin/init is provided.

I am willing to be convinced, but I'm not sure all providers of a virtual
are required to provide the same binaries. A couple of examples off the
top of my head are virtual/editor, virtual/logger and virtual/mta.


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