On 7/11/19 11:43 AM, William Hubbs wrote:
>> then by default, OpenRC will pull in sys-apps/sysvinit, and use its
>> implementations of init/shutdown. Then later if someone wants to get rid
>> of sys-apps/sysvinit, he has the option to uninstall sys-apps/sysvinit
>> and then re-emerge OpenRC with USE=sysv-utils.
> Sort of, but not quite. OpenRC doesn't really have an rdepend on
> sysvinit at all; it is the other way around. /etc/inittab is part of
> sysvinit, not openrc and this is how openrc and sysvinit are used
> together. It could be argued that our sysvinit package should have the
> rdepend on openrc.

Indeed, the fact that sys-apps/sysvinit installs an inittab that
references /sbin/openrc without depending on sys-apps/openrc already
looks very wrong to me.

Perhaps OpenRC should install its own inittab when USE=sysv-utils is
set, and when it blocks installation of sys-apps/sysvinit? In any case,
it's obvious that there's a pre-existing mess to be dealt with here and
that things aren't as clear-cut as I thought.

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