----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Barnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 1:31 AM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo init system : was [Re: [gentoo-user]
service parameter passing?]

> Anything that makes it easier to transition from the other Linux flavors
> the init files are laid out very differently would make those testing the
> waters feel much more welcome. If that's not anyone's goal here, then I'm
> tilting at windmills.

I'm not sure what you mean here. Yes, there are some differences with the
layout of the runlevel directories but Gentoo uses the same basic structure
as RH and Mandrake do. The init scripts are stored in the same place
(/etc/init.d) and operate in the same way from the command-line (/etc/init.d
servicename start|stop|restart). Yes there are differences, the scripts are
written in a different (and IMO, better) syntax which allows for service
dependencies (instead of the system that RH and Mandrake use of Sxx and Kxx
to indicate if a service should be started or killed and the order). The
other difference is in the structure of the runlevel directories but that's
not really a big deal because this was always just a place where symlinks to
the scripts in /etc/init.d were stored. Now if you're coming from a BSD
style init structure, then you will find the init structure to be extremely
different but I thought that RH and Mandrake both used System V style by
default (certainly that's always been the way I've had boxes with either
distro setup and I don't remember ever explicitly setting it to System V

I don't see what the big deal of the service script is other than just as a
shortcut from typing /etc/init.d/. However, that's not a standard part of
System V style init, that's something that RH added. A number of list
members have already posted sample scripts (some more complicated than
others) that would work and you've also shown that service from RH is just a
shell script as well (which would probably work fine on a gentoo box with
little or no modification).

Andrew "frugal" Dacey

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