On Wed, 19 Feb 2003 21:56:30 -0500
Phil Barnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday 19 February 2003 1:11 pm, Sundance wrote:
> > Hmm, then I'd say it's pretty much -your- responsibility, not Gentoo's,
> > to add this abstraction layer the way -you- want it.
> Perhaps this is true, but if you can admit that you are more likely to have a 
> room full of RH servers than a room full of Gentoo or any other distro 
> servers, you are on the way to my point. And, this mythical room full of 
> servers is statistically proven. RH has more servers out there.

Then we statistically out of bounds since 90% of my linux server at my offices are 
and strangely enought not one RH server. Your point is thus mute.

> I don't have any problems with that, but everyone here is biased. The fact is 
> that there are more RH servers out there than any other single distro. With 
> that said, I do see that RH has symlinked /etc/init.d to /etc/rc.d/init.d. 

Gentoo does not care for the whole linux community "larry the cow" was frustrated 
with the state of the current distributions (very possibly RH since as you noted it's 
he found the functionality he wanted instead of the functionailty THEY WANTED YOU TO 

please go read the whole idea behind gentoo at http://www.gentoo.org/main/en/about.xml
I serously think you are missing the whole point of gentoo.

> Exactly, and it's not just in RH by the way. At any rate, that service script 
> is already on more servers that you give credit for.

still does not mean we HAVE to have it in gentoo.
make a ebuild submit it ... work the system.

> Well, it's been my desktop for about 6 months and I'm doing just fine with it. 
> I just miss the service abstraction that I've become used to from several 
> other distros.

scp user@rhbox:/usr/bin/service /usr/bin/service

if works fine 
if not 

vi /usr/bin/service fix

> And, yes, I can put it there. But, being such a small script and being as 
> widely used as it is, I don't see any reason for it to not be in there. There 
> are literally dozens of other abstractions that we all take for granted in 
> nearly every distro. This is just another one.

then fork the gentoo base and make your own distro with "service" in at the moment you 
are just complaining 
and not interrested in doing work, but expecting everybody else to do it because you 
want it.

> I'll not tilt at windmills. It's not for me to say which abstractions you 
> never notice and which you do.

some of us don't need abstractions to work with servers

> I'm sure you will agree that you take advantage of dozens of abstractions just 
> like that one every day...

Yes ... indeed .. like adding you to my mail filter from now on as you have nothing of 
use to say anymore.
You are lazy. you demand something from gentoo based of your exprience disregarding 
others experiance as "wrong"
you refuse to add it yourself and refuse to contribute to it being added if so desired.

Henti Smith 

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