On Wed, 2 Apr 2003, Tan, Stephen wrote:

> At the risk of having someone flame me, I'm not sure I'd run Gentoo on
> Corporate desktops or servers. I don't think that it's stable enough for a
> production environment.
> <snip>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 02 April 2003 17:12
> Subject: [gentoo-user] survey: gentoo corporate usage?
> i'm hoping the lot of you will be able to help me convert my own company to
> gentoo with some usefull stats:
>   can someone fill me in on what "big" companies out there use gentoo?
> if i get a reasonably strong list, it'll serve as some helpful ammunition in
> convertin this (mostly redhat) office to gentoo.

I agree with Stephen on this.

I've been running Linux servers for a long time.  I'm only in charge
of five servers right now. Four of them Debian. I have one system that
started life as a Debian 1.2 system and has been coaxed along until
today it is an overtaxed 486 running Sid (unstable testing Debian).

The fifth is a Gentoo server that I built about a year ago -- April
2002.  It has been handling a few fairly busy mailing lists and some
web pages. It distributes about 15,000 emails a day on average, and
handles a moderate amount of web traffic.

The Gentoo server has given me more trouble than any two debian. It is
also clearly the fastest, not taxed at all by its load. But it
is more trouble than I would accept if it wasn't a hobby server.

I had Gentoo on my old laptop. It was also installed back in April
'02, and was noticably faster than the Debian install it replaced.
Unfortunately, I left it un-emerged for a few months and it became
hopelessly out of sync. I suppose I could've figured out what was
wrong and coaxed it into emerging again, but instead I Debianed it and
gave it to a friend.

Right now I'm debating whether to Gentoo or Debian my new laptop.
Crusoe, Crusoe... woe...


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