Dale wrote:
> Howdy,
> This is concerning a hard drive I had issues with a while back.  I been
> using it to do backups with as a test if nothing else.  Anyway, it seems
> to have issues once again. 
> <<SNIP>>
> Since this is the 2nd time for this specific drive, thoughts? 
> By the way, I'm doing a dd to erase the drive just for giggles.  Since
> it ain't blowing smoke, I may use it as a backup still, just to play
> with, until I can get another drive.  I think that moved up the priority
> list a bit now. 
> Thoughts?
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

Well, I have dd'd the thing a few times and ran the tests again, it
still gives errors.  What's odd, they seem to move around.  Is there a
bug crawling around in my drive??  lol 

# 1  Extended offline    Completed: read failure       40%    
21500         4032048552

#12  Extended offline    Completed: read failure       40%    
21406         4032272464

Anyway, I'm going to start saving up for a new drive.  I may see if I
can jump around that bad spot or something since right now, any backup
is better than nothing at all.  Well, sort of anyway.  I'm just
wondering if I should update to a 4TB drive instead of a 3TB one since
I'm over half full already.  :? 

/dev/mapper/Home2-Home2  2.7T  1.7T  1.1T  63% /home

Thanks to Daniel and Bob for their replies.  I think this drive needs a
funeral.  Once is bad enough but twice, not good.


:-)  :-) 

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