About that recent letter on "International Non-Use Agreement on Solar


It has been signed by "senior scholars", we're told:

"...over 45 senior scholars from around the world who are the First
Signatories of our Open Letter..."

But is this description correct, insofar as the signatories' publication
record on this specific subject?

I've been asked to share the attached data, by an anon source. It's based
on WOS searches, (with a couple of manual amendments for missing pubs).

'Web of science search, topic: "solar geoengineering" OR "solar radiation
management" OR "climate engineering" OR "geoengineering" OR "stratospheric
aerosol geoengineering" OR "marine cloud brightening" OR "cirrus cloud

While this search is doubtless neither perfect nor exhaustive, it does not
appear obviously biased to me. (I had no role in its generation.)

I've added only mean/max/mode info - pasting data to a new file to protect
my source.

You will note the following key points of information
1) Mode number of topic papers detected among sigs is zero - Only ~1/3 have
ever published on the topic. Any "senior" status has therefore generally
been acquired in other fields, or not at all.
2) Max pubs is 8 among signatories (FYI same as me - and am an unwaged RA
with no PhD, and not by any sensible objective definition a "senior
3) Of the top ~400 authors on solar geo, only 7 have signed their letter.
4) Mean publications of signatories <1
5) Max pubs of non-signatories is over 10x that of signatories

As always, I express no opinion. You can form your own view, based on the
facts, as to whether these signatories are accurately described as "senior
scholars", wrt to this specific letter.


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Description: MS-Excel 2007 spreadsheet

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