On 16/09/16 16:21, michael norman wrote:

I find your idea of all these expats who would pay for the BBC or anything else quite risible. These are the same people who have left UK to avoid paying irritating things like taxes and BBC licence fees.

That's totally out of order. People move abroad for a variety of reasons: job opportunities, gentler climate, marriage/love just to mention a few that spring to mind.

My partner is in the Philippines - because my pension is deemed too low to support her, I can't bring her over here and I can't move over there permanently because my monthly prescription list is nearly 20 items and my pension would go totally on medication. So my compromise is spending 4 months over there and the rest of the year here - if I come up on the Lottery (some hope!) I'll be over there like a shot. But it's really offensive to suggest that dodging taxes is the sole reason for emigrating.


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