On 03/12/2019 13:42, MacFH - C E Macfarlane wrote:
Please see below ...

On 03/12/2019 09:51, Jim Lesurf wrote:
I' ve now switched to using the new version of GIP and using the 'DASH'
approach for fetching. Many thanks for the new version. :-)

For TV this works fine. And for *most* radio it also works fine. But since
I'm writing this you'll have guessed there is a trailing, "...however..."

Using " --type=radio --mode=daf " I can get 320k aac from R4/3 fine. But
when I tried some World Service examples ('More or Less") they came as 96k
aac. So far I can't find a sign or way of getting them as 320k.

I'm pretty sure I could get 320k from WS in the past. And the last time I
checked, Scotland was still within the UK. So am I doing something wrong,
or has something changed, or do I mis-remember... or is there a way now to
get 320k from WS?

Yes, I've noticed this too.  Fortunately for me, the only WS item I download is "Science In Action", which usually I delete after I've listened to it, so, as long as the quality is good enough to be listenable, I don't really mind.

Science in Action is an interesting example. It has a podcast, which means you have a choice of 128kbit/s and 64kbit/s. It is an .mp3 file. Some here may scoff at .mp3. Although at 128kbit/s AAC is slightly better than MP3, I think it is almost certain that 128kbit/s MP3 is superior to 96kbit/s AAC. That is the more so when the BBC is delivering 96kbit/s as HE-AAC v1 with the Spectral Band Replication (SBR) extension. If a player does not support SBR, the bandwidth is effectively reduced to 48kbit/s.

I was going to say that if 96kbit/s HE-AAC v1 was the best that was available on the World Service, the podcast, if there was one, would be a better bet. However I then looked at what was available from get_iplayer v3.23 for the 28 November 2019 Science in Action (w3csym2r). The only version is the podcast version, but with these modes. modes: podcast: dafhigh1,dafhigh2,dafhigh3,dafhigh4,hafstd1,hafstd2,hlastd1,dafstd1,

The answer to Jim's question about how to get 320kbit/s audio from the World Service, for some programmes at least, seems to be to use

In England too the best modes available for the Testing tomatoes episode of World Service More or Less are hlamed and dafmed. The Radio 4 Election Special has a wider range of modes including dafhigh. I suspect the answer is that it was set up at a time when the World Service was restricted to 96kbit/s and has not been updated. I was recently looking at sampling rates and found that Law in Action was using a sampling rate of 44.1kHz long after everyone else moved to 48kHz (and podcasts still use 44.1kHz). More or Less does have a podcast, so you can at least get 128kbit/s MP3 from the World Service.

Best wishes

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