On 05/07/2022 19:00, David Cantrell wrote:
On 05/07/2022 09:42, Budge wrote:
I have been listening to IOT for years and have these downloads saved for use locally. Through time the BBC have delivered these programmes in slightly different formats and I believe they are now also available from an archive as podcasts, but I already have my own archive, albeit in various formats.

My problem is that in the beginning the downloads were filtered, I think by BBC but possibly by my filters long ago, into five categories according to subject.  The categories were Culture, History, Philosophy, Religion and Science ...
Most media files contain metadata tags, including those downloaded from the BBC. For mp3 files use `id3info` to see them. For m4a files use the idiotically-named `AtomicParsley`. For example:

$ AtomicParsley In_Our_Time_-_John_Bull_m0018nsd_other.m4a --textdata

Atom "stik" contains: Normal
Atom "cprt" contains: 2022 British Broadcasting Corporation, all rights
Atom "©nam" contains: John Bull
Atom "©ART" contains: BBC Radio 4
Atom "aART" contains: BBC Radio
Atom "©alb" contains: In Our Time
Atom "©grp" contains: Factual,History,Discussion & Talk
Atom "©wrt" contains: BBC Sounds
Atom "©gen" contains: Factual
Atom "©cmt" contains: Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the origins and
   evolution of the satirical everyman figure
Atom "©day" contains: 2022-06-30T09:00:00+01:00
Atom "©lyr" contains: Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the origin of this
   personification of the English everyman and his development as both
   British and Britain in the following centuries. He first appeared
   blahblahblah ...

Hi David,
Not now at the machine where my GiP history resides but I have meanwhile been confused further by the above reference to "Factual." I have not seen any of my existing files which have been entered into a "Factual" subdirectory. I only have the five directories Culture, History, Philosophy, Religion and Science. Is there another category "Factual?"

I note the line Atom "©gen" contains: Factual. Is this genre? I wonder if when I rebuilt my system I didn't get the pvr instruction correct and if I ran it again this might do the sorting for me as the metadata will still be available. Any ideas?

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