Christoph Egger writes:

>  Uhm, and what sense does the fbdev-target make? Or perhaps the question
>  should be: What sense does the RAW format, because of the existing
>  fbdev-target?
>  Or perhaps the question should be: What is the difference between the
>  RAW format and the fbdev-target?

The RAW format has a header, with the width, height, graphtype, and
palette for GT_PALETTE modes.  The header is aligned to the stride
value, so for anyone silly enough (like me :->) it can be run directly
on a /dev/fb* device itself (nothing to do with the fbdev-target, I'm
talking about the actual devices files in /dev).

I can do this:

   demos/flying-ggis -m 1024x760x16 -t file:/dev/fb0

(I boot with vesafb into 1024x768x16 mode).  It works.  It's ultra
silly too.  No input.  Needed SAK to kill :->

\/   Andrew Apted   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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