O.k. - let's get at it !

> 3. We have a problem with our distribution model.
> ...
> Apart from the full snap, generate at least 2 more tgzs with libgii and
> libggi separated out. Even better would be libgii, libggi, svgalib_wrap
> and kgi. The rest ist pretty much optional. Maybe libwmh for some people.
> This should cost nothing but a few small changes to the docs, the webserver
> scripts and some space on the ftp-server.

Steve - you know the mess on metalab better than me - can you give me a hand
there ?

The lack of FAQ-like documentation in the tarballs is another problem.
Many people aren't on permanent connections, so having a little FAQ
delivered with the sources should be good - or ?

I made up one for LibGII - it is attached. Please comment on it. If you
think it's o.k., I'll commit it to CVS.

Regarding an imminent release: Test the code, folks ! Tell us what breaks.
The current CVS state will not change drastically for the release.

May the force be with you !

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        =

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